Nominations for this years Teaching Awards are now open. Make someone's day.
Become a Course Rep to represent the voice of students on your course.
Course Reps are student volunteers who have nominated themselves to help ensure that students’ needs and expectations are met. They act as a bridge between the University and The Union, and work to make sure the standard of education remains high.
Course Reps listen to and collect feedback from students on their course, and relay this to academic and support staff to help inform decision-making and shape the future of the course. They represent students to the University and The Union by attending meetings such as Education Council, Student-Staff Liaison Committees and any other meetings relevant to the faculty.
Recently, student feedback has played a big part in making positive changes at the University, such as extended building opening hours, a 24/7 wellbeing platform and laptop loans for isolating students.
To find out more about being a Course Rep and its many benefits, you can visit The Union's Course Rep Webpage where you can access various resources about being a Course Rep, or email
They're your go-to spokesperson to raise issues with University staff, report any problems to our Academic Representation team, and attend important meetings.
If you’re a Rep, you’ll get to log your volunteering hours and make real change.
Minimum commitment level: Once a week
Start Date: 08-11-2024